This is a policy for how writers, editors, and other employees will use AI when working with Cruise Vacation Planner. We ask people working with Cruise Vacation Planner to read and agree to this policy.

The main points are:
  Authors are accountable for their writing’s accuracy, fairness, originality, and quality.
   Humans always review AI outputs for accuracy.
   We believe in transparency in the ways we use AI.
   We use AI as an assistant without using it to supplant human insight or creativity.

We May Use AI For:

  • Inspiring content ideas, brainstorming topics
  • Suggesting headlines and meta descriptions
  • Help with grammar, spelling, and rephrasing (Grammarly for Instance)
  • Help to create outlines and to structure posts
  • First drafts of social posts
  • Summarizing information
  • Sparking ideas for interview questions
  • Repurposing existing content to use in other settings (such as summarizing a video call to help turn it into an article.)
  • Fine-tuning content for more specific audiences
  • Making templates for routinely sent emails or messages.

We Do Not Use AI For:

  • Research. We may use AI to assist with summarizing research but not as a source of research itself. 
  • Fully writing articles- AI is used as a writing and brainstorming assistant, not as an author.
  • To make artwork. We use licensed images, primarily through Deposit Photos and Canva, along with original photography submitted by the creators themselves.

AI and Privacy:

We do not put sensitive information such as client names, contact information or private identification numbers into ChatGPT or other AI chatbots.

  • ChatGPT records and stores transcripts of your conversations. This means any information you put into the chat, including personal information, is logged. It’s easy to accidentally give ChatGPT private details without realizing it, especially if you use it to proofread personal or professional documents.

Updates to This AI Policy

Policy Created July 30, 2021. AI is moving quickly. This policy will be updated over time should our usage of AI change.